Growing up, I remember not being very good with mathematics and English. I always had problems with roman numerals, quadratic equations, and spelling. However, every time my father came back from work, he was excited to see the new equations I could solve and the new words I learnt. Though they were often incorrect, he would say, “I’m very proud of you, you will teach me again tomorrow”. Sixteen years later, I’m in a better place, and my father’s words still strengthen me.

Have you ever wondered why motivation is necessary for your child? In this blog, we will let you know the importance of motivation and how it impacts your child’s learning.

What does it really mean to motivate your child?

Motivation is a drive that stimulates children to face difficult tasks. It is the process of motivating your child to take action to achieve goals. Motivation helps children when they are faced with academic challenges. For example, my father’s words encouraged me to start studying, and I eventually graduated from secondary school with an “A” in Mathematics.

3 Reasons to Motivate Your Child as They Learn

It increases their enthusiasm for learning:

Motivating your child allows them to explore their curiosity. They become open to new academic challenges and are often eager to learn new skills.

– It improves their confidence:

Motivation helps children build their self-esteem in various areas. Reminding them, they can attain success even when they are yet to start working on a particular task and having a positive outlook spurs confidence in them like no other.

It improves your relationship with them:

According to research, Constant interaction and involvement improve their curiosity and desire to learn new things so they can discuss them with you. This helps foster a strong bond and enhance academic performance.

3 Ways You Can Motivate Your Child

  1. Express appreciation for their efforts

You can constantly praise your child and remind them that you see the efforts they are putting into their academics; let them know you believe in them.

  1. Celebrate their accomplishments

Celebrating your child for their accomplishments is a critical factor that motivates them. No matter how little these accomplishments may seem, whether it’s graduating from a new class or learning to pronounce a word better, allow room for celebration.

  1. Show interest in their daily learning activities

If your only concern is your child’s academic performance, you may begin to treat them as a project rather than a person. Pick interest in their hobbies and interests and show interest in all aspects of their lives rather than just academics.

16 years later, I still remember my father’s words. If you follow our three easy steps, motivating your child won’t be as hard as you thought. Never forget that motivating your child has a long-term impact on their attitude towards anything.

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