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There’s always that sound, that silent but loud noise that we hear resounding in our ears, and then that slight movement we can’t put a word to, that we feel in our chest every time we hear the word “Examination”.

It’s always there, whether we are prepared or not, sleeping with us and waking with us.

We have come to accept it as that unwanted August visitor we have to entertain at certain periods in our lives.

Can you relate to this?

The exam season in school is always that sober period in every students’ life. It’s always in the atmosphere; you can feel it, but you can’t touch it. Most students don’t spend time brushing their hair or trying to look good. Some even suddenly become “more spiritual”.

Everyone “studies very hard”, form reading groups, and study into the night.

It all seems like they’re doing “all the right things”, but yet some students still end up making mistakes in their exam preparation and in the end, don’t perform as well as they’d hoped.

The question that is usually heavy in our minds is “why does this happen”?

With a few practical steps, this blog will show you the mistakes students make in their exam preparation and how to prevent it.

Child being cautioned about exam prep mistakes

Leaving everything to the last minute:

Most students are guilty of this, we procrastinate our serious reading till when the exam timetable comes out, then we start reading vigorously for the exam. This most times leads to cramming and blackouts in exam halls which ultimately leads to poor performance. Always prepare early enough so you can avoid being under any pressure and you will have a thorough understanding of the subject before the exam period.

Fear of Failure

Most students are usually very scared and then end up not doing well in the exam due to the little avoidable mistakes they would not have made if they weren’t so afraid. Just start thinking of the possibility of excelling in an exam and it will make all the difference.

Lack of Sleep

Because most students push all the serious reading to exam period, they always end up not sleeping properly, and thus; their brains don’t function at an optimal level. Then they find it hard to remember what they read, and even worse, sleep in the exam hall. You should ensure you get just enough sleep the day before your exam because sleeping well is part of exam preparation.

Low-Self Esteem

People let the stories that they have heard about a subject influence how they perceive it. So they are already defeated before they even write the exam. This ought not to be so, it is always important to believe in your ability to excel in a course and put all your effort into doing just that.

Lack Of Knowledge Of Self

You have to know yourself to know the type of studying that works for you. Do you study better in groups, alone, in the morning, afternoon, or evening? You have to understand yourself. This will help you a lot in your study so that you don’t use the wrong study approach. Nobody knows you more than you know yourself.

When preparing for your examination, it is very important that you only entertain positive thoughts and believe in yourself. This will go a long way in determining the outcome of your exam.

At Gradely our personalized learning model goes a long way in assisting students to learn at their own pace, this will help them in preparing effectively for their exam and ultimately succeed at it.

Got any questions or concerns? Drop them in the comment box below. We’re very happy to give answers to all your inquiries. 

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Gurpartap Singh
Gurpartap Singh
2 years ago

How much sleep should college student takes everyday?